Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Current mood: melancholy
Category: Life

So yeah it's 2:57 am and I'm up thinking about my surgery today. I hate being put under, I always have a hard time waking up. They will keep me overnight because of this.

I will be at Bay State, Chestnut building. Someone once asked me why I didn't go to JMH. The answer is because my co-workers don't need to see my fat ass in a johnny.

That leads me to thoughts of Candy. She would love that segue... Candy my dear sister-in-law. She is so brave and courageous. She asked me to take care of Brian. She asked me twice...I told her I would. That we all would. She became a DNR on Sunday.

I was having second thoughts about this surgery. Candy wanted this surgery but her body never got well enough for her to have it. So I figure if I am healthy enough to do it she would want me to do it. We only talked about it once.

Last time I visited her I told her I was getting my new boobs today and she laughed. Pick out some good ones she told me. I told her Bruce picked them out...round and up high, I told her I would need a face lift to go with them and she laughed again.

I would encourage you...all of you that know her to go visit her now while she is alert and still pretty much with it. Go, drop by and just say hi...I hung some young photo's of her & Brian up, that I found in a family photo album. She told me if she could get out of her bed she would kill me. God I love her and well it's just to sad to talk about.

So off I go to the shower and get ready for my surgery.

I love all of you and we need to have a JMH walk for the cure. Here we are me & Candy, two women that you know with breast cancer, the odds are 1 in 3 women you know will get breast cancer. The odds just increased. Self exam very important. Every time you shower lift those arms and feel yourself up. After your shower look in the mirror while you feel yourself up. Awareness of your body. That's how I discovered my lump under my left arm two years ago.

My mother-in-law made a sobering statement to me while she was visiting Candy she said "In a year from now this could be you." I think about that and I just want to slap the shit out of her for saying it. People should really think before they speak. If you see my mother-in-law around the hospital slap her for me will ya? Just kidding. I love her and to love her is to accept her big mouth and all.

C U later



For those of my friends at blogger, I cut and pasted this from myspace were I have co-workers who are my friends. I'm sorry I just didn't have the energy for two post. :)


Mouthy Girl said...

You are a love!

Here's to high and round boobies and some peace for Cindy.

I recently walked in Relay for Life here in VA. My team raised almost $100,000 by ourselves. We WILL find a cure. It's going to happen.

I have faith that you will triumph over this, Nancy. Love you!

Rainwolf said...

Hope you and your new boobs are doing good. You and Candy are both in my thoughts.

sageweb said...

Hope all is well. Thinking of you.

yellowdoggranny said...

after i left work today i stopped by st. mary's and lit a candle for you..then i lit one for candy and then i said fuckit and i lit a shit load of them just for the hell of it..
so candles lit..prayers sent..and please can i bitch slap your mother in law...? just once...please..

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery and perky boobs. Wishing peace and no pain for Candy. Wishing healing for all of you.

billy pilgrim said...

us sons of bitches love you too.

since bruce picked out your new girls maybe you can pick out something new for him. or tell him to show mother in law where the bear shit in the bucket.

Allan said...

I hope you get the best boobs, ever. (and plenty of rest)

sageweb said...

Thinking of you...hope you are doing well.

Mouthy Girl said...

Anyone heard anything from Nancy yet?

Allan said...

Thinking about you and hoping for the best.

texlahoma said...

Hope everything is going well for you.