Wednesday, June 25, 2008


nfection, My Third
Current mood: pissed off
Category: Life

I'm sick and vomiting. I'm going back to the doctors again. I don't know if I am sick and vomiting because I'm sick and tired of going to the doctors or because I have a third infection in my surgery wound.

It's all because of my diabetes which is out of control. It's been running in the three hundreds. No I am not eating sugar. I think it's the surgeries and stress.

Bruce says it's because I won't sit still long enough for it to heal. Do you know how sick I am of sitting still waiting to heal?

So I'm off to the doctors this morning and they will start yet another round of antibotics which tears the crap out of me.

No, I'm not in a good mood. Fuck it all.

My apologies now to everyone. JackieSue I love you and I am really sorry, especially to you. You and everyone really don't deserve my pissy mood or to read about it but this blog is my venting space, the good, the bad and the ugly.


yellowdoggranny said...

you never ever have to apologize to's your party and you can bitch and cry if you want earned it...I know it's hard to sit around and wait to heal..but you can't heal if you go to work and are lifting deadend drugs and lugging them around.No telling what kind of crap you might be getting from them..this is your life and you can live it how you want..but being a diabetic and a cancer survivor you have to do what's best for and mental wise...remember'do what's best for nancy'...the job is not worth your little peedidly 30 hours a week was kicking my ass. Yes, I wanted the insurance, yes, I wanted to 'be there' for them..but my numbers were all over the place..and I was just spent..and hurt every where..Iknew I didn't want to kill my self for the
Family Dollar have to figure out if the job is worth your life..???
do what's right for nancy...

I love I'll shut up...package coming your way...js

McRaven said...

I left a comment back at ya but it disappeared, sorta like my fucking life. Sarcasm, evil sarcasm. Anyway how did you know I went back to work? You are Goddess and I am not worthy. So my doc said I told you it was to early to go back to's only been two weeks, ya but I need to go back to I am off of work again until she say I can go back and another 7 days of antibiotics.

I guess I don't mind because today my ass was wiped. Yesterday killed me. A 97 year old woman with restraint mittens on beat me for 8 hours with those fucking mitts. I am tired.

You didn't have to send me anything, but I am looking so forward to a surprise in my box, mail box that is.

I got cards to send out but I'm just lazy right now.

Thanks JS for your unconditional friendship and love! :)

Rainwolf said...

It's your blog, you can say anything you want. It helps to vent so go right ahead. Take care of yourself, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Mouthy Girl said...

Shit, don't EVER apologize for much of anything. No one should ever have to travel the road you've been FORCED on since being diagnosed with cancer.

Diabetes is another pile of crap on top of THAT! Here's to better days.

*hard hugs*

billy pilgrim said...

i inflict my pissy mood on people continually and i've got little to complain about.

if anyone has the right to a pissy mood it's you so piss till you turn purple.

sageweb said...

I hope you feel better soon...I think it is good you vent. GET BETTER DAMMIT!

texlahoma said...

You've got the right to be in a pissy mood, vent away! That Doc better get with it and fix you up, or else.

Allan said...

You don't need to apologize, this is your space to use as best serves you- writing it out can be cleansing and healthy. I love your honesty and candor and I'm wishing better times for you.

tsduff said...

Isn't that what blogs are for? PISSY MOODS and a way to blurt it out! I'm so sorry you are sick again - you need one more infection like a hole in the head. I'm taking some horrible super antibiotic to get rid of Theinfectionwhichhasnoname... I can relate to the tearing the crap right out of you. Feel better soon - hugs!