August is a hard month for me. Today is the anniversary of Ricki's death. August 11, 2003 at 11:15 pm. Five years. In loving memory Ricki, always with love.
Your baby brother Travis and his wife Trina had their first born daughter. You would have been Auntie Ricki. I hear you laughter at being called Auntie Ricki and it makes me smile.
Much love coming your way by way of Virginia.
The pain of your incredible loss will never cease - here's to it becoming less severe.
I wish I was there to give you a big ole jackiesue hug..I give great hugs...so sending you one via the goddess...much love
I am visiting my sister, Terry, and she showed me your blog. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful daughter. She looks like a beautiful young lady. The pain is so hard to deal with sometimes when you have lost a wonderful child... their absence felt so vividly each day. You are a little farther along on your walk of grief then we are. Our family just passed our 1 year Heaven date for my oldest boy on July 20th. God's peace for you and your family today. And blessings for you little grandbaby. :)
i'll fire up some incense when the sun goes down tonight and send some good thoughts your way.
Sending good thoughts your way, take care of yourself.
There is bittersweet, when the days come around reminding us doublehard of our loss. My baby sis who lost her boy a year ago last July is here visiting with the rest of herclan. It is lovely having her here - and we share her loss - and yours.
My husband's spirit soars also, somewhere in the 4 years past since his death. Where do they really go? Do they remember us? Can they hear our thoughts or voices when we express our deep sorrow at their departure? I really don't know, and the wondering kills me sometimes. All I can do is hope.
A bunch a big HUGS for you!
Sending love hugs and blessings
and one of my favorite quotes
"an' ye shall meet and know and remember and love them again"
Thanks everyone. I got a homemade card from my baby BooBoo AKA: Nancie. She had put Ricki's favorite flower on the front...daisies. I mean real daisies that she picked. She declared August 8th Joy day. My and Ricki middle names are both Joy. Then when you opened the card it said Celebrate Joy day by eating pizza and or a peanutbutter cup! Happy Joy Day!
ya, I cried. She is so thoughtful that young one.
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