Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Creation of Raven by me

I did the painting of above. I did two of them Creation 1 & 2.

I haven't painted since my surgery. My right arm can't deal with holding of the paint brush. I have tried. I think I am at the part of my recovery where all I feel is pain and pissed off. I'll get through it I always do. Usually I just disappear without a word but JackieSue doesn't desreve to be treated that way plus she get's so mad at me I'm afarid she would come up here and beat the crap out of me.

I have slept most of the day today. I just woke up and didn't have nothing to blog about so this is it.

Bruce leaves every day for work and tells me the same thing..."paint something today."

And I think the same thing every time he says it. I will spare you my thoughts of shoving a painting up his ass.

So this is it for a while. I don't know how long.

Thanks for putting up with me.



sageweb said...

Oh your poor is a big HUG! I hope for your pain to leave. Thinking of you everyday. Get better...

billy pilgrim said...

long may you run and long may you paint.

oh yeah, be kind to bruce's arse.

Allan said...

You have done well and I look forward to your return. Strength to you!


mckait said...

Is all of the art that I have seen on your blog yours? it has all been gorgeous, but this is my favorite so far, I think....

thanks for hug.. and a soft gentle one back at ya!

hope you get stronger every day!

Mama Kelly said...

I am sorry that your pain is interfering with your art. Im sure that the outlet would be just what you need right now. Hopefully each day will draw you closer to being able to hold a brush again.

mama kelly

yellowdoggranny said...

do mind paintings....
draw in your mind..picture each and every stroke..when your arm doesn't hurt to paint..the picture will just flow out of you..i trust your artistry..and i wouldn't kick the crap out of you...bip you maybe..

McRaven said...

It's 4:38 In The Morning And I Really Really Tried To Sleep In Bed With Bruce But The Pain Of Turning Over Is Excruciating. Every night He Says At Least Try And I Try And I Fail. The Recliner Is My Only Comfort, The Same One I Wanted To Burn A Few Days Ago Is My Life Line Right Now.
Thanks Again For The Thoughts And Stuff. I'm just crying and this is the only place I come to cry and write my thoughts down.
Sage Hug Back At Ya, Leo Bruce Is Just An Ass Sometimes, Saturday Is Our 6th Year Together So I Will Try To Be Nice :) Allen Thanks You're Too Nice, Kath My Art Sight Is On The Side Bar, Thanks For The Nice Comments, Mcraven's Art Sight, Mama Kelly I Had Thoughts Of Tying My Hair Up In Some Weird Ass Way With Chicken Bones In It And War Painting My Face Just To See Bruce's Reaction When He Comes Through The Door, Here's Your Painting Honey, How Do You Like It? And Jackie Sue I Do That exercise Daily Hoping It Will Come Back To Me.

Loves Ya

The Pissy One For Now...

Mouthy Girl said...

Nancy, I'm so sorry to see you in this incredible pain. I wish there was something we could do to help you get past it so much more easily than what you're dealing with right now.

Here's to sleeping in bed, painting with your favorite brushes, and knowing that it's ok to cry anywhere. Period.

apositivepessimist said...

Which painting would you shove?

mckait said...

just stopped in to check on you... hope all is well and that you are busy having a Happy Easter!

Rainwolf said...

Hon it's gonna take time. You'll want to do such and such, but it won't happen. Tomorrow it'll be a little closer to happening.
Lucy and I had a lot of this, not the same, but, the pain and not being able to do what you want thing with her knee replacement.
Time. It gets better.
Mentally, you're much better than she was after that, so take a breath, it'll be ok.