Saturday, August 26, 2006

Surgery Date

Don’t have much time as I am on my way to work this fine morning. Doing a double today, 7 AM - 11 PM.

My biopsy came back, pre cancer cells, bad cells, but not as bad as cancer. I’m having two lumpectomies, one on each side and the left lymph node out on September 8 at 8:00 AM. The left lymph node is the worry now. That will be biopsied when they take it out.

My lap top was acting all weirded out and I haven’t been able to use it. I miss you guys.

Have to run. Have a great and beautiful day.

My sisters left for home yesterday morning and it made me cry. My baby daughter called and she is flying out September 22, she is going to spend a week with me and I am so thankful I will be here to do it. I haven’t seen Boo Boo in over a year. Granted she’s 23, but she will always be my baby girl. My Amy is coming out in Nov. So I have a lot to look forward to.

Thanks for all your prayers and happy thoughts. It meant the world to me and my family. :)

Sorry for any miss spelled words, I was in a super hurry. And ya’ll know my spelling sucks. :)

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