Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jimmy Buffet : Your An Asshole, dedicated to work!

~~~A man can be defeated , but never destroyed .~~

Ernest Hemmingway


tsduff said...

That is my favorite youtube ever! I never heard it with the Jimmy Buffett song, but I've seen it with the original sound effects. Makes you feel all warm and cuddly inside, doesn't it? YEAH!

billy pilgrim said...

maybe i'm reading it wrong but i'd rather be defeated than destroyed.

shit, the lovely mrs msyhkin defeats me at least once a week.

texlahoma said...

That was a great Malcolm in the middle. Pretty good song too.

McRaven said...

Ts it sure does. I don't do TV so...

LeoBilly, I am dyslexic and it sure 'nough is backwards. Thanks, I'll turn it around.

Tex, who is Malcolm? And why is he in the middle?