Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I ain't got crap to say about nothing.

My Nun teachers from Catholic School would love my English writing skills. Sometimes I think I do it on purpose even though I'm 54 years old, that inner child that was beaten with a wooden ruler comes out and says things like ain't and fuck and such.

I am hating winter. It is dark when I get up and it's dark by 4:30 pm. It's too fucking cold out to go out. I hate winter. I hate winter in New England.

Although snuggling up to Mr Bruce is very nice. He's a fecking furnace. His body heat is the hottest I've ever encountered. It's great when I am freezing but when I am having a hot flash look out...

The picture above is my sister's cabin in the summer. I love it there. I hope to spend some time there this summer. It's a great place to relax! And the fishing is great!


billy pilgrim said...

i hate the feckin cold too. i've asked the lovely mrs myshkin to relocate us in mexico but she won't go for it.

no shit, i've really asked.

hope things are going o.k. for you.

texlahoma said...

That looks like a neat place. I use to have a teacher that would hit me with a ruler for spelling mistakes, I still have problems spellin.

yellowdoggranny said...

wow. i want to come up there and go fishing with you...or you can come to texas and i'll take you catfish fishing..
billypilgrim..come on down to'll love it..
well, some of it...

apositivepessimist said...

Winter here does indeed suck at times.

Bastids in Australia are having summer at the mo.

Cassandra said...

Do you hate winter? Sign me up for a week in that relaxing cabin!

billy pilgrim said...

good thing bruce gives you "shelter from the storm."

hope things are ok