Thursday, December 20, 2007

This Is How I Felt...

So I was feeling pretty good about all the crap (cancer) that was happening to me, resigned to do what I have to do. Then the phone's an oncologist social worker. She opens doors that I had gently shut. Since I talked to her at 3:00 pm I haven't stopped crying. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.


yellowdoggranny said...

call me...254-826-5463

billy pilgrim said...

maybe the beauty of the nature on this sweet little planet can help you gently shut the door again and then reopen it on your own terms.

as a child of the universe, i send my love and support.

Rocky (Racquel) said...

I'm thinking you need to email me and tell me what's going on - I thought the breast cancer was not progressive???? Obviously I'm way out of the loop.

PS Jackiesue just gave out her phone number so that any whack job on the planet can call her. That's entertainment baby! hehehe