Monday, September 8, 2008

Magnesium Citrate

Day before surgery. Instructions read drink 10 oz. bottle of Magnesium Citrate. Failure to follow this prep will result in your surgery being cancelled.

I've gone through hell to get this surgery. Six months of classes, a psychiatric evaluation that I thought I would fail but didn't, kudos for me! Then I had to put it on hold for 7 months because of breast cancer, breast surgery, breast reconstructive surgery, got back on track...2 more visits to the doctors and 2 more visits to the nutritionist and then 2 weeks of protein shakes which ended yesterday on a gagging note.

Which leads me up to today and this fucking bottle of Magnesium Citrate. This 10 oz. bottle that I can't seem to drink. This lousy $1.99 bottle of clear pleasing lemony flavored Magnesium Citrate...

Because I know how I am going to spend this day if I drink this.

As for how me and Bruce are doing, I told him I would drive myself to the hospital tomorrow.

Now off I go to stand over the kitchen sink to see if I can choke this down...UGH!


tsduff said...

You're almost there hon - just a little bit more. One more day and you will be at the finish line. Best wishes for a smooth surgery and perfect, pain free recovery.

sageweb said...

Oh I know how horrible it is...but it will be worth it in the will be happy. You can doit... Bigs Hugs for your surgery tomorrow.

yellowdoggranny said...

pretend it's Dublin Dr Pepper...
your almost there sweety...your almost there..

Mama Kelly said...

{{{{{ }}}}}

Best of luck tomorrow hun. May it all go well and smoothly for you. May the Gods themselves guide your surgeons hands!


Rainwolf said...

Hope you choke that mess down and tomorrow goes smoothly. You're almost there, good luck.

billy pilgrim said...

hope things went well and you'll soon be eating ice cream like crazy.

tsduff said...

Thinking about you - hope you are all good.

mckait said...

yoo hoo..

where / how are you????

be well......